Pirate Party Games

Pirate Party Games

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At Encore our WAAPA trained Pirates love to recruit young pirates from Perth to look for Capt Blackbeard's hidden treasure. Capt Kiero is Perth's favourite and much loved Pirate and has travelled far and wide. If you are looking for a Swashbuckling good time follow these easy DIY Pirate Party Games or alternatively enlist our help in making your child's Pirate Party one to remember!
Pirate Party Perth wa
Captain Says
A straightforward adaptation of Simon Says. An adult, or one of the children, is the leader. The leader tells everyone what to do; Captain says run on the spot, Captain says hands on heads, Captain says swap places with the person next to you, etc. Occasionally the leader misses out ‘Captain says’ – anyone who does the action is out.
Freezing Pirates
This is musical statues in pirate gear and it works much better if you use pirate music. Get them to freeze with Pirate facial expressions. Any pirate moves they walk the plank and receive a reward sticker.
Treasure Hunt
Simply hide pieces of eight (chocolate coins) around the room hall or garden, or do something more elaborate with clues and a treasure map. 
At Encore we use a painted canvas sheet as a Treasure Map and the children sit around it and the Pirate reads out the treasure clue. Each child is given a bullion to place on the map showing where they think the treasure has been hidden. We also have a bespoke Capt. Kiero Treasure hunt whereby young pirates are asked to solve Capt. Cutlass’s Treasure Clues. 
Pirate Party Perth, party for boys in perth wa
Seasick Sailors
A game for slightly older pirates that the boys will love. Sit the children down facing a chair. Each Pirate gets a turn to go round the back of the chair and face the audience. He or she holds the back of the chair as if it is the rail of a ship, and sways around as if on a ship, then pretends to be sick over the side. A prize of course for the most realistic!
Pass the Booty
Around Halloween time body parts are easy to come by. Pass the Pirate Head is our favourite
One Leg Jake
A short simple game – see who can stand on one leg with hands on hips the longest without overbalancing. Fairly easy – now try with your eyes closed! Last man (or girl) standing is the winner
Walk the plank
A pirate game for younger children. Place a sturdy, but fairly narrow, plank of wood on a couple of bricks to raise it above the floor. Pirates have to walk the plank without overbalancing. Fairly easy, now try it with an eye patch on. Still easy, now with hands behind your back…. A prize for everyone who makes it to the other end.
Captain’s Coming
This Pirate Party game is a variation on Captain Says. The room (needs to be a hall) becomes a ship, the front end is bow, the rear is the stern, port is the left side and the other starboard. The leader shouts locations and the children all have to run to the right place. Now add in other commands: boom coming over – lie down; sharks – freeze; captains coming – stand to attention and salute, man overboard – lie down and swim; man the lifeboats – sit down and row.. Add more variations as you go along cannonball – roll up in a ball etc. Next introduce the rule that after sharks (freeze) everyone 
I'm writing to let you know how impressed we were with Austin today. Such a class act! He was really enthusiastic and did a wonderful job of keeping the boys entertained with all sorts of soccer games. Thanks to Austin and your team at Encore Kids Parties for making my son's 6th birthday party so successful and memorable. T. Nov 2023